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Saturday, October 07, 2006
About the beta for the new Blogger site

What was wrong with the old setup?

For future reference: unless a bunch of people write to you and say "hey, this sucks," you probably shouldn't change it.

That's my two cents. Actually, more like two dollars. Because I'm awesome enough to be worth a hundred other people. That's why I "blog."

Speaking of blogging, I had an awesome bowel movement last night. Pictures tomorrow!

posted by Soup at 6:45 AM

Friday, October 06, 2006
A story about alcohol

Last night, I met a cokehead who knew pretty much everything about weed. He was a nice guy, for the most part, but also one of those people who's overly concerned about how to fuck their head up best. Pretty unfortunate way to go.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm headed in the same direction. I mean, I enjoy the occasional weed, and I enjoy beer way more than is healthy. I've tried to quit drinking, and I just can't bring myself to do it. It's not that I can't function without alcohol, but if it's offered to me, I'm sure as hell not turning it down.

Last night, I was drinking after closing with my best friend and one of his co-workers at the restaurant they work at (I don't work there, but I hang out there enough that the managers don't care that I'm around after closing). We all got drunk, and Erik and I ended up doing a lot of stupid shit around town. Then we went to a truck stop diner and ate fries. In fact, once I turned 21, it was like I suddenly had something to do in this town.

So maybe drinking isn't so bad. It definitely brings like-minded people together, and I think that's worth more than being able to brag about your sobriety.

posted by Soup at 5:04 PM